What We Do
If you are a chef, you know the challenges of opening a box of rib rolls and finding a 10lb ribroll and a 16lb ribroll in the same box. As a consumer, you know the challenge of going to your favorite restaurant and having a great steak one night and an average one the next day. We saw and experienced this too.
The vision of Dean & Peeler Premium Angus Beef came together from a mutual desire to create the most consistent, highest-quality beef product that delivers a great eating experience every single time. Looking at the current U.S. cattle supply, we knew the variability in animal production styles created inconsistency in the final product’s quality. To fix this, we built an all-encompassing program that focuses on consistency, quality, and the industry’s best animal husbandry practices to create Dean & Peeler Premium Angus Beef.
Highlights of Dean & Peeler Premium Angus Beef’s system include:
- Local Product, with the animal spending 90% of its life 35 minutes from the Alamo.
- 100% ownership of the animal from birth through harvesting
- 100% locally sourced vegetarian diet, with all feed ingredients being locally produced by South Texas Farmers