Who We Are

Dustin Dean and Family

Jason Peeler and Family
Culinary trends come and go, but one thing remains: beef is still king. On every distinguished food service menu in America the steak and chop section stands alone, with an unparalleled steak experience being the pinnacle of every discerning restaurant menu. This speaks to the heart of what we do.
We are Dean & Peeler Premium Angus Beef. An authentic working cattle operation in the heart of South Texas, where our two families invested together in one singular mission: to create beef for beef connoisseurs. A product that speaks for itself, a product that with each steak served showcased the craftmanship of the chef and the caretaking of the rancher. A product that would inspire foodies and chefs and beef lovers of all kinds to stand up and take notice.
We began Dean & Peeler Premium Angus Beef in July 2014, leveraging our lifetime of cattle production and feeding backgrounds to create a premium beef brand. We built Dean & Peeler Premium Angus Beef from the ground up, focusing on a consistent consumer experience by employing the industry’s best practices in animal husbandry. From selecting high quality Angus based genetics to managing individual animal health and nutrition needs, we carefully manage each animal through their entire life. But we don’t stop there. We follow the beef product all the way through animal harvesting and product marketing. From our herd to your plate, we are involved every step of the way. Our full service premium beef brand combines the personal touch of local sourcing with unparalleled product quality and consistency.
The brand is truly a lifestyle for our families. Each case of product sold, represents a piece of who we are and is the culmination of our individual efforts. We began this as a family operation, and that is how we operate today. You’ll find us, and our children, with the cattle every day, riding pens or driving a feed truck or taking orders in the office. While we are active in our community and within our industry, this brand is all we do. It is at its core who we are, and we are honored to share that experience with you.